Shape CLI Classes/Module

Posted by Jesse kathryn on July 7, 2019

After separating classes into three different working parts:

  • Scraper
  • CLI
  • Article

All of the groundwork is laid down. The next step is making sure each class functions individually, each working it’s own individual part, connecting to run the Shape_Cli project.

The Shape CLI scraper will function like below - and the key is to find the best way to connect each method and to keep it DRY or to a single purpose. At first, my Article class was doing too much work. Now, it will work through the scraper class and communicate through its shared connection, the CLI.

 def self.scrape_lifestyle_page()
    page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
    articles = []
    page.css("div.taxonomy-seo-links").each do |a|
    article_hash = {}
      article_hash[:name] = a.css("div h5 a").text  
      article_hash[:url] = a.css("a").attribute("href").value
      articles << article_hash
  def self.scrape_article_page(url)
    page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
    article_page = {}
    article_page[:name] = page.css("h1.headline").text
    article_page[:url] = page.css("div.taxonomy-seo-links a").attr("href")
    article_page[:summary] = page.css("p.dek").text.strip
    article_page[:author] = page.css("").text.strip
    article_page[:date] = page.css("div.timestamp").text.strip
    aarticle_page[:text] = page.css("p").text.strip

Next up: hashes and calling methods in CLI, connecting it all together


  1. display article text in full, if interested
  2. clean up and make sure all methods are working properly
  3. work on exit