Wow. The final blog post of this curriculum and final project. What a great experience and wonderful courseload. I have enjoyed every second of Flatiron’s lessons and will continue to push myself as I learn more about the languages Ruby, Javascript, React, Redux and hopefully, branch out to others such as Java or C++.
This React app will include a Rails API backend. It is called “expenseMaster” and will be used to track expenses. I am going to make two seperate frontend designs.
One of the front-end designs will be based around the theme of farming for my dad. The other will be a basic expense application without forms including farming expenses. I think I need the second design to express my ability to make apps outside of the “farming” space. Even though each app that I have created throughout my journey at Flatiron is very unique in terms of it’s language and functionality, I want to show I am also able to make a generic app that services a wider range of audiences.
My second design of expenseMaster will be geared more towards a “adulting” theme where expenses are tracked and the main goal of the app is to keep the user out of debt. This does track the user’s debt and it will also monitor all expenses to keep the user from accumulating more debt (by tracking epenses and ensuring the expenses are paid on time for credit cards, housing, food and other lifestyle expenses. The expenses will calculate until the expense is deleted from the app and the user’s account will update as a trasaction is deducted, as well, will update when a transaction is deposited (for example: user account will keep track of direct deposit.
Stretch goals for each app include: intuitive response to the user’s account balance and communication to the user warning if the account is not equipped to pay bills.