Shape CLI Executable Code

Posted by Jesse kathryn on July 1, 2019

The example CLI code can be found here.

Follow the below steps to writing your CLI Class

  1. Make sure your have the right permissions for each file
// ♥ ls -lah

total 16K
drwxr-xr-x 4 jessekathryn jessekathryn 4.0K Jun 30 23:26 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 jessekathryn jessekathryn 4.0K Jun 30 23:22 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 jessekathryn jessekathryn 4.0K Jun 30 23:30 .git
drwxr-xr-x 5 jessekathryn jessekathryn 4.0K Jun 
  1. These files are executable, but if yours are not type command
chmod +x CLI_Name
  1. Add your #shebang in CLI bin file

  2. Name your .call method on the new module/class in bin

  3. Create a Class for your CLI in your Lib

  4. Write your call method in your new class and fill out your controller

class ShapeCli::CLI 
  def call
    puts "SHAPE CLI Shape CLI is a quick source for the latest popular topics in Lifestyle!    
    Want tips and info on beauty, fashion, travel, health, sex, love and everything else you need to live a fuller and happier life?

    Yes or  No " 
  1. Test it out and watch this video to set it up step by step with Avi

  2. Type out your CLI for now (even though it does not actually scrape real life data)